Our voice is a powerful tool that serves various purposes in our daily lives. Our complex need for communication through language highlights our own nuance of emotions, allowing us to partake in social interactions and share valuable experiences that deepen our connection with others.

It's easy to overlook the immense power of our voice. Our voice is not a tool we use separately in our personal lives and professional careers. It goes beyond these two worlds, we can use our voice to do something exceptional. Let’s remind ourselves of when we can use our voices and the impact we can create when we combine our own voice with many other voices together.
Our Communication Development
From the age of 2 or 3 we have learnt to use our voice to communicate our wants and needs. As we start education, we learn to engage in social interactions with our peers and convey our emotions. Later as a teenager, we explore our unique style of communication, the language we use and our tone of voice. We also engage in discussions and debates that are more structured based around our own beliefs and values. Then the transition into adulthood allows us to communicate in a professional capacity, when we are looking for jobs, we have to be able to communicate in an interview, when we are at work we have to adapt our communication with others, advocating our ideas and opinions.
Beyond A Simple Response
However, talking and speaking doesn't have to be transactional, where one person talks and the other person responds. We have been conditioned to speak one at a time and when nobody speaks, we believe there to be an awkward silence. It feels awkward to speak to someone when nobody is speaking, so we rather not speak so we don't feel like an outcast, just like going on the tube or any public transport where no one talks to each other. But this way of thinking divides our unity, what we know as human beings which is to connect, empathise, and support one another despite our differences.
To get to know someone on a deeper level, we need to communicate to them that resonates with all the parties involved in that conversation. We need to find common ground, pick out all the similarities and share common values. Without this, it will be vague chitchat:
'How's your day?'
'It's a bit gloomy the weather today.'
'Yes, it is.'
This type of conversation is very passive, there's minimal response, minimal engagement and a lack of emotion in what we say. This is typical when we see our colleagues at the office. That's why we define our work colleagues as not being our friends.
Ways We Can Connect With Others
Let's remind ourselves of what we can use our voices for and how we can interact with other people who make us smile on the inside and outside.
Storytelling - We can learn from everybody's story, we all have our unique book of events that's happened in our lives, so why not share some of those with a stranger?
Entertaining - I'm not asking you to belt out a song like Adele, but finding a way to show off your personality. It might be telling a joke, using puns, or adding sarcasm to your conversation.
Motivating - Everyone needs a little love from time to time, show how you can support them to get them through the tough times. Maybe a hug or a pep talk is needed.
Persuading - Convince someone with your passion, get them on side with your enthusiasm and add a few facts to inspire them to see things from your perspective.
Leading - Empower others by setting clear goals, sharing your vision and giving your team a sense of purpose to achieve a collective objective where you can be proud of everyone's participation.
Guiding - Be there to show others the way. Share your wisdom and help them with their journey in life. Encourage others to explore their thoughts and feelings, so they can navigate decisions.
Advising - Listen to their concerns while providing suggestions that are both constructive and supportive. Offer your own opinions through the experiences you have gathered.
Promoting - We all need these people in our lives, to help support us. They recommend us to others and celebrate our achievements, so why not be that person?
Educating - Expand a person's knowledge about a specific topic or a life lesson that you have learnt. Allow others to develop their mindset to choose the path they want to take.
Listening - Sometimes we don't have to do anything to connect with others, just being there to listen to what they have to say whilst they rant about the world is enough.
Your voice is powerful. Don't forget how you can use your voice to express your authentic self and how this can change the views of others. Use your voice to contribute to the world and inspire others to stand up for what they believe in. Remember, every conversation you make is an opportunity to shape the world around you.
If you feel you can make a bigger impact with your voice but not sure how to do it, book a call with me and let me guide you through the process.